Saturday, September 23, 2006

So I'm sitting here reading, with the TV on "Cops" in the background. I'm half listening, and the police officers start naming streets during a pursuit. I said to myself, "Gee, those sound like the streets in the neighborhood I lived in in Pittsburgh before I moved here." Then I heard one of the officers quote the speed they were traveling, and he had a distinct Pittsburgh accent. And I said, "Hey, that is the neighborhood I lived in in Pittsburgh before I moved here." And in fact, I knew the girlfriend and mother of the guy they were chasing - they lived a few houses down from me, on the other side of the railroad tressle (the worse side of a bad neighborhood).

There is nothing like seeing your old house on "Cops" to make you feel...either crappy that you ever lived there or grateful that you no longer do.

In my defense, the apartment was OK, and the rent was dirt cheap.

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