Monday, August 27, 2007

Kinda slow at work again.

Here is a good argument for school uniforms.

Personally, I was glad when we started wearing uniforms when I was in 7th grade. We didn't have a lot of money for school clothes, and I wore hand-me-downs and thrift-store specials, mostly. I got teased a lot. Then when I started going to public high school, it happened all over again.

Here, almost all students in all schools - public and private - wear uniforms. Khaki pants, shorts, and skirts, mostly, and polo shirts, and I think that's a good thing. It's less expensive for the parents, and the charities that help with uniforms and schools supplies can buy them cheap in bulk.

Just my two cents...

1 comment:

tomzgrrl said...

I loved that blog entry/article! It sounded like me! I always say "they're going to Kindergarten, not clubbing!"

If you go back and read it again, at the top of the page there is a link to a live chat that the author had yesterday. AMAZING how some people disagree.

I sent this link to the online group of moms that I belong to -- about 10-15 of us who all have children born in July 1997. We've been an online group since 1998, basically. They all agree with the article, too!