Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I find it interesting that so many people I know have entered priesthood, religious life, or the ministry in some way, shape or form. I just found out that another classmate from days gone by is about to be ordained a Catholic priest.

I wonder what all that means...if it means anything at all.

Don't mind me. I am in a bit of a spiritual slump. I'm hoping to be able to go here for a retreat this year on my vacation. I really need that time of renewal.


tomzgrrl said...

Just be glad that it wasn't all the guys you dated -- I can't tell you how many guys I dated who became priests. Depressing. But NOT as depressing as the one who became gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that! (Who is the classmate? S.S.? Lived at the lovely stone house with you?)

Sheryl said...

No, I knew about S.S. I actually avoided his diocese when I was looking for a youth ministry job. I love him to death, but I couldn't imagine working with him - or even worse, for him.

This was an elementary school classmate. Never thought he had it in him, but low and behold he is about to become a Jesuit priest. Just goes to show, I guess, that you never know what the Big Guy has in mind...

tomzgrrl said...

I once got INTO it with SS -- not because I too didn't love him to death in the "he's got enthusiasm and generally means no harm" way. However, one day in the SAC, I was in the WORST mood and he came bopping up to me and said something like "are you in a bad mood or something?" and I turned to him with a loud "Don't F*** with me, S!" and that solved it. I think he was afraid of me for at least 2 semesters!