Alphabet MeMe
Seen it a few places, but this version is from LutherPunk (and yes, if I ever replace my sidebar, I will add him, too)
Accent: Basically midwestern, with a little bit of Pittsburgh, a little bit of northeast, and a little bit of Louisiana thrown in.
Booze: White wine. Riesling is my favorite.
Chore I Hate: Dishes. And windows. Oh, and laundry. And did I mention vacuuming? And I can't forget taking the garbage to the dumpster. I think not having to do that is reason enough to get married.
Dog or Cat: Allergic to both, though I had dogs when I was little, and prefer them to cats.
Essential Electronics: Computer, TV. I'm a pretty simple person.
Favorite Cologne(s): I don’t wear perfume or cologne very often because all the kinds I like, I can't afford. Plus, oxygen irritates my skin lately, so I don't want to risk yet another foreighn substance.
Gold or Silver: Silver.
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Insomnia: Occasionally, though not too bad of late.
Job Title: Project Manager
Kids: None, though my biological clock is not only ticking, but the alarm is starting to go off.
Living arrangements: 450 square foot apartment near the campus of a major university.
Most admirable trait: empathy
Least admirable trait (added): procrastination and pessimism
Number of sexual partners: I don’t think I'll be answering this one, so I'll substitute...
Number of cars in your lifetime: Seven
Overnight hospital stays: None, except for my birth.
Phobias: Balconies, dying alone and being found days later with dead fish and little fish hats all around me (see dog/cat question).
Quote: Glory be to God for dappled things! (from the poem Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Religion: Lutheran, but I grew up Roman Catholic.
Siblings: None, but my parents lost a son before me, and had a miscarriage before me and one after me.
Time I wake up: Well, I should get up at 7, but reality is more like 7:45 or 8.
Unusual talent or skill: My mind is a vast warehouse of useless information like the starting lineup of the '79 Pirates and sitcom theme songs.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Cauliflower. I have never, ever liked it, and my parents used to make me eat it.
Worst habit: Picking at the skin around my cuticles
X-rays: Lots. Feet and ankles, mostly, but also hands, chest, and a couple contrast X-rays of my digestive system.
Yummy foods I make: Warm Chicken Salad.
Zodiac sign: Taurus (my birthday is on the 13th).
Hey -- Happy early Birthday! I'm so afraid that I'll forget to tell you on the 13th! So, you'll be 35? I turned 36 yesterday.
The Dictator (age 4) told me that she's glad I'm 36 now. She said, "'cause you were 35 for, like, . . . " and I said, "A year?" and she said "YEAH!"
I thought I had a vauge recollection that your birthday was in May. Don't ask me why, except that, as I said, my mind is a vast warehouse of useless information. Happy 36th!
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