Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am 37 now.

Just wanted to wake up in the middle of the night and announce that.

Actually, I'm awake because I have a nasty case of reflux caused by eating whippped cream.

Sigh. I hate that I can't handle any dairy anymore, except for yogurt.

Stupid aging.


LutherPunk said...

Happy Birthday!

Since hitting my 30's, Zantac has become a best friend and daily companion.

tomzgrrl said...
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tomzgrrl said...
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tomzgrrl said...

Lactaid is my BFF. Since I turned 22 and immediately became lactose intolerant upon moving to Athens, OH. I contend it's because I made ruthless fun of Mark (the honors program guy -- can't remember his last name) -- I mocked him ruthlessly my senior year of college (he was lactose intolerant)and promptly lost the ability to eat dairy upon entering grad school. Maybe THAT is where my BFK (bad food karma) came from. Hmmmm?

Sheryl said...

Ha! Could be...

Did you know that Mark is an Episcopal priest now? I think I read that in the alumni magazine (we ended up in the same year thanks to me embracing the 5 year plan). That one caught me off guard.