Ask Me Anything!
ETA on 9/26: Here is the answer to the first question!
ETA on 9/28: I made up my own question, and here it is!
I was going to provide you all with a random thoughts post, as I had many of those this weekend that seemed worthy of sharing. But I can't remember any of them now. See what happens when you pass 35?
So, friends, Romans, and random wanderers through the blogosphere, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for, even if you didn't know you have been waiting. Yes, it is your chance to...
Ask Me Anything!
Yes, you can ask me anything you'd like, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral; factual, fictional, or personal. I will answer just about anything with an answer that may or may not be true (I promise you will be able to tell the difference, though).
Haven't you always wanted to know what goes on in my groovy mind? Or haven't you always wanted to ask a complete stranger an off-the-wall question like, "What color were your favorite pajamas when you were four years old?" (For the record, they were white with blue roses, and very soft.) Here is your opportunity.
I will respond to any questions asked over the course of this week. I've given this post Friday's date so that it will stay at the top. Responses will be below it.
Bring it on, World Wide Web. Bring it on.
1 comment:
Ok, so why Baton Rouge? As a Lousiana native i understand that the call of Tiger is great, but of all the places in the world a yankee girl could end up, why there?
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