Friday, September 23, 2005

Here Comes the Rain Again...

Yeah, we're getting rain band from Rita now. You know how the outer bands look all kind of whispy and stuff on radar? That's exactly what they look like in real life - darker whisps agains a gray sky.

Baton Rouge seems to be fair well so far. West of us is going to suffer, and east of us is suffering due to another levee breach, and south of us there are tornadoes. I suppose if I was one of those people who believe that God hands out blessings based on being in His favor, I would say that God must be happy with BR. I'm not, though, so I won't.

And oh. I have an ear infection and my doctor couldn't see me today. So I have to go to the urgent care clinic tonight, because I can't live with the pain over the weekend. It hurts to move my head.

So until later, unless I'm one of the folks who loses power early...

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