Still Alive and Kicking...
...but I haven't been blogging much. I've been spending more time on Facebook lately than here. If any of you regular readers are on Facebook and would like to friend me, send me an e-mail or leave a comment with your e-mail addy, and I'll send you my real name.
I fully plan to keep this blog up and functioning, but I may have to reimagine what I use if for.
Oh, but I have to share a story with you.
Today at church, I was decked out in black and gold - I've had a running debate going with my high school students throughout the playoffs, and I had to represent today of all days. I also had a Terrible Towel in my laptop bag.
So after services, I had to coordinate a surprise fundraiser for the youth - I literally found out about it minutes before worship. I was in the church library, and one of our oldest members came in. She's been a member for years and years, and had been in Baton Rouge, for over 40 years now, but she is originally from Pittsburgh. And if you've been reading the articles this week, you know that once you are a Pittsburgher, you are a Pittsburgher for life, and pulling for the Steelers in encoded in our DNA.
Now, a couple weeks ago, I ordered a couple more Terrible Towels. I couldn't find mine anywhere (yeah, I lose things), and I ordered two to justify the shipping expense.
Anyway, she and another older lady who is also originally from Pittburgh, came and started talking about the game. Ms. Ruth (the first lady), got all excited about waving a Terrible Towel during the game, and Ms. Char said that she didn't even have one. So, knowing I had another one at home, I gave her the one I had, and she made a donation to our youth ministry trip fund.
I knew I ordered two of them for a reason. God must really be a Steelers fan.