Saturday, January 28, 2006


Hey. I was reading on the blog of a seminiarian about his J-term experience in an emerging church community in Seattle and I was intrigued.

I'm familiar with the concept of the emerging church, but I was always leery of it because it seemed so...unstructured. But after reading his blog, I'm thinking I feel more positively toward it. It sounds like, at least at this community, they get that the Church really is just the people of God, and that liturgy is the "work of the people." They just apply it differently.

So if anyone happens across this entry and has any suggestions of books/websites where I can read more about the emerging/postmodern church, leave me a comment.


1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Sheryl--
I passed this entry on to a colleague of mine who is involved in the emergent church movement. Here's another source of great resources: Byron Borger, who sells books at Jubilee, etc., has a blog here:
Just drop him a note--he'll be more than happy to help you find some good resources!